Wednesday April 15th at 12pm
130 Garden Street-Lot 40, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Auction Preview at 11:30am
In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1988(b), personal property abandoned by Thomas Kennedy, to the possession of Wright Family R Limited Partnership at 130 Garden Street-Lot 40, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 will be sold at public auction on April 15 2015, at 12 Noon to the highest bidder on a cash and carry basis.
Paint, Air Compressors, Ladders, File Cabinets, Medium Duty Racking, Carts, Reddy Heater, Job Pro 3000, Cable, Tarps, Cones, GM Paint Sprayer.
Terms & Conditions:
Payment is accepted in the form of CASH ONLY. Payment is due immediately following the auction. Items must be removed from premises within 2 Hours after auction. An 8% sales tax will be collected unless bidder holds a valid, resale permit. 10% Buyers premium will added to purchase price. Everything will be sold in As Is condition, no warranty.