Public Auction July 11th 2012 At 2pm
All forfeited property will sell to highest bidder!
NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED PERSONAL PROPERTY In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1988(b), personal property abandoned by Ernesto and Carolina Romero, to the possession of JP Morgan Chase at 2215 Folsom Fair Circle, Dixon, CA 95620 will be sold at public auction on July 11, 2012 at 2 PM to the highest bidder on a cash and carry basis. Inventory: Basket Ball, Cultivator, Metal Rack, Cleaning Supplies, Shoes Wall Hanging, Print, Couch, End Table, Trash Cans, Toaster Oven, Lighting, Planters, Canned Food, Over Stuffed Chair, Pillows, Rugs, Runner Hanger, at, Fireplace Utensils, Umbrella, Lawn Mower, Radio, Luggage, Weight Lift Equipment, Printer, Mirror, Floor Lamps, Outdoor Pit, TV, Fan, Stereo Equipment, Stool, Flower, Secretarial Chair, Monitor, Bar. Reminder this is a cash and carry auction.
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