NOTICE OF SALE OF UNCLAIMED PERSONAL PROPERTY In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1988(b), personal property abandoned by Erica Reynoso, to the possession of PHH Mortgage at 2712 Stuyvesant Circle, Modesto, CA 95356 will be sold at public auction February 10th, 2013 at 12 Noon, to the highest bidder on a cash and carry basis.
Inventory: Tennis Racket, Outdoor Storage Chest, Blue Tarp, Lamps, Couch, TV, Clothing, Belts, Dryer, Shelving, Desk, Plastic Totes, Storage Cabinet, Tires, Monitor
Preview will be conducted 30 minutes before the auction. This is a cash only sale, check out will be immediately following the auction.
Questions? Please place all questions in the comment fields below, we will answer immediately thanks!
Public Auction Modesto CA
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