Estate Liquidation Auction Sacramento August 5th 2012 At 12pm
In accordance with California Civil Code Section 1988(b), personal property abandoned by Harvey A. Clark to the possession of Financial Institution at 9280 Vancouver, Sacramento, CA 95826, will be sold at public auction on August 5, 2012 at 12:00 Noon to the highest bidder on a cash and carry basis.
Inventory: Pots, Cooler, Walker, Storage, Display, Rug, Pool Table, Secretarial Chair, Recliner, Entertainment Centers, Shoes, Lamp Shade, Basket, Lamp, Shelving, Exercise Ball, Wood Chair, Clock, Coal Bin, Speaker, Round Table, Pots and Pans, Bus Cart, Replica Wind Mill, Game Board, Clothing, TVs, Chest of Drawers, Bunk Bed, Ink jet Printer, Shelving, Totes, CPU, Briefcase, Croquet Set, Lamps, Encyclopedia Set, Rocking Chair, White Furniture, Mirror, Storage Cabinet, Wood Work Table, Tire, Toilet, Ladder, Plastic Furniture, Exercise Bike, Propane, Bikes, Luggage, Broom, Construction Light, Walker, Model Airplane, Stool, Step Stool, Drill, Monitor, Helmet, Gas Can, Fire Extinguisher
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