Complete Liquidation Meat Market September 13th at 10am
Complete Dispersal of the Meat Market and Delicatessen Preview Day of Auction 8 AM to 10 AM Auction Thursday September 13 @ 10 AM
Address: 4208 N Huntington Dr. S Los Angeles, CA 90032
Inventory: Beverage Cooler, Produce Displays, Digital Scales, Metro Shelving, Large Safe, Super Wrapper, Meat Display, Steak Master, Sinks, Stainless Steel Tables, Check Out Stands, Chicken Roaster, Griddle, Deep Fryer, Butcher Boy Meat Saw, Card Board Baler, Refrigerated Sandwich Prep, Large Refrigeration Compressor, Hot Serve Table, Gondolas,
Public Auction Los Angeles, Rancho Meat Market
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