With today’s economy and the price of gas at an all time high it’s no secret that the average person is looking to save money. Many people are looking for new ways to save money and are turning to public auctions to find bargains. For a long time public auctions were considered unpopular among the general public. It seems that your average auction buyer was typically a second hand dealer looking to buy quality merchandise for resell purposes. Within the last couple of years many people have caught the auction fever and have discovered that they can save money buying at liquidation sales.
Depending on what type of auction you attend you can expect to get great deals on vehicles, machinery, office furniture, vintage items, collectibles, etc. Recently at one of our estate sales this beautiful 3 piece antique spelter clock was sold. Estate sales are a wonderful source to buy quality merchandise from 30-60 percent off retail price.
The secret is out whether you’re looking to save money on merchandise or looking to buy and resell, consider looking into local public auctions. The online auction market is completely flooded and now a days getting a a good deal online is mere impossible. Most people selling on ebay attend public auctions, buy merchandise and resell it online. Save cash or make cash buying at auctions. If you have never attended a live auction we invite you to read our page on Auction Faq’s.